by Rev. James Wong
According to our planning, our focus for March is on Christian Marriage. This is so because life is relational. It is impossible to exist outside of or apart from relationships. The best support you can get is an unconditional bond from your family. This is the reason why every year a month or so will be dedicated for our consideration on family issues. Hopefully by doing so, we will be reminded, refreshed, re-educated in the Word of God concerning the most important relationship in our lives.
You will find tips and truths about the marriage relationships in this and the ensuing issues of our Sunday bulletins to help you have a good grip of the skill-set that is needed to build strong marriage and family ties. For those of you who are still single, you will find that the materials will be equally beneficial for your knowledge of what it takes to make a relationship works. Knowledge is power. In fact, knowledge is the key to surviving the storms of relationships.
While the truth is that all marriages will have troubles of their own, the knowledge of the Word of God will help us to avoid having a troubled marriage that is held together by the obligation to the children. It is not enough just to have a marriage, or just any marriage. It is God’s will that couples will enjoy that relationship and maintain its intimacy.
When God brought the woman to Adam, he responded by saying “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh” (Gen 2:23). Nothing can be more descriptive than this phrase about the bonding between Adam and Eve; between a man and woman in a marriage relationship. But many married people now say: “This is the pain in my neck, and thorn in my flesh!”
To strengthen your marriage, from a good one to a better one, from a bad one to a good one, do remember to sign up today for the Marriage Course. If it is not for your sake, why not do it for your spouse’ sake? It is more important that you become a better husband or a better wife rather than looking for one.
We will be dealing with the following topics this month
07 Mar 10 Commandments for Marriage (Part 1 for Women)
14 Mar From Zero to Hero (BB & GB enrolment Sunday)
21 Mar 10 Commandments for Marriage (part 11 for Men)
28 Mar How To Keep The Romance Going
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