by Rev. James wong
I think about my father today. I cried like a kid on the day he passed away. The sense of loss lingered with me for a number of years. When I meet someone of his age of 70s I somehow remember my father. I can only take comfort in the thought that he is now with the Lord and enjoying eternity with Him. Father’s Day always reminds me of the many fine and significant moments I have spent with my father. Here are some of the things that my father did that impacted me.
1. Work ethics. My father was a hard working man. He began his career as a photographer working for a mean employer. Meeting the needs of a family with five children was difficult. He was pragmatic. He prayed to the God of his employer that if he would bless him when he ventured into business he would believe in him. He took the risk; borrowed money from his sister and bought a car and began his business as a mobile hawker. My father and mum would wake up at 2:00am in the morning and started to prepare all the foods and drinks for sale. He toiled before sunrise, sold his foods and drinks under the fierce sun, and prepare all the necessary dough in the evening. Due to overwork, my mum was often sick. I learn the value of hard work from my parents.
2. Independence. Due to the workload, my father assigned me the tasks of making coffee and baking bread. I remembered I asked my father to buy me an electric guitar and he gave me the challenge of washing about a thousand Coca-cola bottles. The task was done and he gave me the money to purchase the guitar. I am glad he did not let me have the money easily. That gave me the confidence of using labor to pay for the things I need in life. Work is no more pain but through which I can accomplish my dreams and fulfill my needs.
3. Recreation. He had a hobby of rearing fish and took much interest in that. However, he never stopped me and my brothers taking interest in setting up a musical band. That gave us the freedom to fiddle with the guitars and other instruments instead of having nothing meaningful to do in our free time. This has much impact on me later in life. I have always taken keen interest in different hobbies to enrich my life and strike a balance between work and play to keep myself from burnout in work. My father kept his hobby until his last day and I continue my hobby in playing the guitar.
4. Spiritual work. Although my father began his faith with a bargain with God, that bargain proved to be the most valuable asset in his life and in the family. As he experienced the blessing of God in the success of being a mobile proprietor, he returned that favor by bringing the whole family to Christ. I had the opportunity of growing up in the church and coming to know Christ. ….. In his last days he had a request. He wanted a cross placed directly in front of him when he was confined to a chair due to his breathing difficulty caused by lung cancer. He grew weak each day but grew stronger in faith. He requested daily worship and prayer. On the day when all of us were ready, and he was ready to meet his creator, we ask God to take him into glory. That happened on the same day.
I cried again writing this because I still miss my father. He was my true friend.
I think about my father today. I cried like a kid on the day he passed away. The sense of loss lingered with me for a number of years. When I meet someone of his age of 70s I somehow remember my father. I can only take comfort in the thought that he is now with the Lord and enjoying eternity with Him. Father’s Day always reminds me of the many fine and significant moments I have spent with my father. Here are some of the things that my father did that impacted me.
1. Work ethics. My father was a hard working man. He began his career as a photographer working for a mean employer. Meeting the needs of a family with five children was difficult. He was pragmatic. He prayed to the God of his employer that if he would bless him when he ventured into business he would believe in him. He took the risk; borrowed money from his sister and bought a car and began his business as a mobile hawker. My father and mum would wake up at 2:00am in the morning and started to prepare all the foods and drinks for sale. He toiled before sunrise, sold his foods and drinks under the fierce sun, and prepare all the necessary dough in the evening. Due to overwork, my mum was often sick. I learn the value of hard work from my parents.
2. Independence. Due to the workload, my father assigned me the tasks of making coffee and baking bread. I remembered I asked my father to buy me an electric guitar and he gave me the challenge of washing about a thousand Coca-cola bottles. The task was done and he gave me the money to purchase the guitar. I am glad he did not let me have the money easily. That gave me the confidence of using labor to pay for the things I need in life. Work is no more pain but through which I can accomplish my dreams and fulfill my needs.
3. Recreation. He had a hobby of rearing fish and took much interest in that. However, he never stopped me and my brothers taking interest in setting up a musical band. That gave us the freedom to fiddle with the guitars and other instruments instead of having nothing meaningful to do in our free time. This has much impact on me later in life. I have always taken keen interest in different hobbies to enrich my life and strike a balance between work and play to keep myself from burnout in work. My father kept his hobby until his last day and I continue my hobby in playing the guitar.
4. Spiritual work. Although my father began his faith with a bargain with God, that bargain proved to be the most valuable asset in his life and in the family. As he experienced the blessing of God in the success of being a mobile proprietor, he returned that favor by bringing the whole family to Christ. I had the opportunity of growing up in the church and coming to know Christ. ….. In his last days he had a request. He wanted a cross placed directly in front of him when he was confined to a chair due to his breathing difficulty caused by lung cancer. He grew weak each day but grew stronger in faith. He requested daily worship and prayer. On the day when all of us were ready, and he was ready to meet his creator, we ask God to take him into glory. That happened on the same day.
I cried again writing this because I still miss my father. He was my true friend.
This is the 1st father's day without my father around. He has gone to be with the Lord nearly a year ago. WHenever I think of him, tears come rolling down. Really miss him! The only consolation is that he is with the Lord now.