Sunday, July 5, 2009


by Rev. James Wong

We will begin our nomination of candidates for election beginning this week till the 26 July of this month. We will then have the election of the new church council members for 2010-2011 from 2—23 August 2009. Here are some developments that I wish to share with all of you.

1. First election of English Church Council for BCCM Sdk (Eng).
This will be the first time in the history of our church to have the election of the English Church Council. Beginning next year, there will be two separate church councils; the English and Chinese Church Councils. This means, the two congregations will be autonomous in terms of administration, finance and ministries. However, between the two church councils, there will be a join-council to attend to matters that requires the cooperation of the two congregations so that the spirit of unity and cooperation is always preserved.

2. We have decided to have 20 elected members in the church
council. This is to enable more people to be involved in the church council level so that there is a continuation of leadership in the church. The younger ones are encouraged to take up the responsibility of caring for the affairs of the church rather than relinquishing the tasks to the willing few who are aging by the years. Our young people must rise up to build up the church
together. (See page 7 on the purpose of leadership).

3. We are looking for people who has the heart of a servant. In the early church (Acts 6:2-4) when the church grew the church was running a food program to take care of the members but the program was taking too much of the apostles’ time. So seven men were chosen to serve as deacons of the church. Today, deacons (we call them council members in our church) are those chosen and appointed by congregation of Christ to serve in, and be administrators of various works and ministries. The word ‘deacon’ comes from the Greek word “diakonos” which means servant. So, leadership in the church is always understood as servant leadership.

4. Qualification to be nominated as a candidate for election. According to Article 7 (No.53) of the constitution: (1) Must be a baptized member or at lest one year. (2) Holy Communicant members above 21 years old. (3) Must have good spiritual life, of good character and a dedicated Christians. (4) Will to serve. (5) Have management skill. (6) Not a bankrupt.

Do not reject to be nominated. We will spend July and August thinking about Christian Leadership. So, stay tuned.

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