Monday, April 2, 2012

The Alpha Invitation

by Rev. James Wong

Would you invite a friend to the coming Alpha  Introductory Dinner and Fellowship on Thursday, 12 April 2012? We have included an Alpha Invitation Card in the Weekly Bulletin for the past two weeks for your use. What you need to do is to send out the invitation card and invite your friends to come to the dinner. The following are some useful information.

What is the Alpha Introductory Dinner and Fellowship night all about?
It is a night we invite our friends to church for dinner. After dinner there is a brief talk about the Alpha Course that helps us to explore the meaning of life, dealing with question like, “is there more to life?” So, we encourage the people to sign up for the course.

Who can attend the Alpha Course?
Alpha is for everyone. Non-Christians, non-church going Christians, new believers and also believers. However, for our church members we encourage you to bring your friends to attend.

What are some of the issues that the Alpha Course will deal with?
Alpha gives us a chance to explore the big questions of life such as ...
1. Is there more to life than this?
2. What are the purposes of life?
3. Why does God allow so much suffering?
4. How can I know God really exists?
5. Why do I need God?
6. What really happens when I die?
7. Is there really one true faith, one true God?

What would be the regular weekly session look like?
7:00pm Makan Time
7:45pm Sing along . Ice-breakers
8:00pm Life Talk (In English and Cantonese)
8:45pm Small group discussion
9:30pm End

Last year we had 92 people who attended the Alpha Introductory dinner. 52 of them were guests and after the dinner 24 guests signed up for the Alpha Course.
A research has shown that 75%-90% of people come to know Christ through their friends or relatives. A friend inviting a friend is the most effective way to share the love of God. Inform sister Yet Far at 215615 if you are bringing your friends.

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