This is the final week of our nomination of candidates to be followed by election in August. We have decided to have 20 council members for 2010-2011 to ensure that there is a continuation of leadership in our church for the future.
It is our goal to enlist more young people and ladies into the council to have a balanced team to serve the interest of the church. This week I will deal with the importance of Church leadership.
1. Church leadership ensures the continuation of the church.
The church cannot exist long without strong leadership. This was how the early church dealt with this issue. “Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust” (Acts 14:23 NIV). Elders were the leaders and they were appointed to lead and to take care of the affairs of the church. They played a crucial role in ensuring the continuation of the church. Today, when we have many ministries going on in the church, we need more leaders to take charge of them. Without a leader, a ministry will have to close down in the worst scenario. We have learned from experience that without someone taking leadership we cannot even start a ministry. Every ministry begins with a leader and the continuation of that ministry depends largely on the leadership of that person.
2. Church leadership is corporate leadership.
Proverbs 11:14 (NLT) has this to say about leadership; “Without wise leadership, a nation falls; with many counselors, there is safety.” Without wise leadership a family will fall apart. Without wise leadership a business will go bust. Without wise leadership a church will be in trouble. In our church we have a culture of corporate leadership. The pastor or anyone else does not make unilateral decision. We believe in team work and the pastoral leadership is supported by a team of council members who are the ‘many counselors’ in the decision making process to ensure greater success. A leader can be wise only when he has many counselors at his disposal. No one man can be wiser than the rest combined!
3. Church leadership is a responsibility business.
It is our goal to enlist more young people and ladies into the council to have a balanced team to serve the interest of the church. This week I will deal with the importance of Church leadership.
1. Church leadership ensures the continuation of the church.
The church cannot exist long without strong leadership. This was how the early church dealt with this issue. “Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust” (Acts 14:23 NIV). Elders were the leaders and they were appointed to lead and to take care of the affairs of the church. They played a crucial role in ensuring the continuation of the church. Today, when we have many ministries going on in the church, we need more leaders to take charge of them. Without a leader, a ministry will have to close down in the worst scenario. We have learned from experience that without someone taking leadership we cannot even start a ministry. Every ministry begins with a leader and the continuation of that ministry depends largely on the leadership of that person.
2. Church leadership is corporate leadership.
Proverbs 11:14 (NLT) has this to say about leadership; “Without wise leadership, a nation falls; with many counselors, there is safety.” Without wise leadership a family will fall apart. Without wise leadership a business will go bust. Without wise leadership a church will be in trouble. In our church we have a culture of corporate leadership. The pastor or anyone else does not make unilateral decision. We believe in team work and the pastoral leadership is supported by a team of council members who are the ‘many counselors’ in the decision making process to ensure greater success. A leader can be wise only when he has many counselors at his disposal. No one man can be wiser than the rest combined!
3. Church leadership is a responsibility business.
Romans 12:6, 8b tells us that “God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well” … “If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously (NLT).” This means you are accountable in your leadership role. You are diligent and you do not manipulate others or act bossy. You believe that God has given you the leadership ability and you give your best in return so that you can be accountable to God and to the church. It is my belief that church leadership can be a joyful and fulfilling task if we do it out of love for God’s church.
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