15th -16th August 2009
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16: 33b).
We were glad to invite Rev. Dr. Stephen Tee, Senior Pastor of Covenant Co
mmunity Life to share with us in our seminar on the Triumphant Christian Life. He came along with his wife Ps. Dr. Catherine Chin. This six hours-seminar was specially designed to discover the keys on how to live victoriously in a time of world economic crisis and Influenza A (H1N1).
A total of 47
members attended the seminar. The first session began on 15th August 7.30pm with a time of praise and worship. The second and third sessions were held on 16th August at 2:00pm and 7:30pm.
The teaching in the seminar dealt at length with Joshua chapter 6 & 7 from which we discovered the 4 reasons for spiritual defeat. They were (1) Violation of God’s principle due to disobedience (2) Pride (3) Prayerlessness and (4) Wrong perception.
The second part
of the seminar revealed to us the four strategies to turn defeat into victory. The 4 steps were (1) Revelation—to come before God and discover our mistakes. (2) Repenting from our sins. (3) Rebuilding— taking time to rebuild our spiritual strength. (4) Returning— which means after we have renewed our spiritual strength, our confidence and faith recharged, we must encounter the same enemy again. 
We were greatly blessed by attending this seminar. May God bless Rev. Dr. Stephen Tee and his family in their ministries.
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16: 33b).
We were glad to invite Rev. Dr. Stephen Tee, Senior Pastor of Covenant Co

A total of 47

The teaching in the seminar dealt at length with Joshua chapter 6 & 7 from which we discovered the 4 reasons for spiritual defeat. They were (1) Violation of God’s principle due to disobedience (2) Pride (3) Prayerlessness and (4) Wrong perception.
The second part

We were greatly blessed by attending this seminar. May God bless Rev. Dr. Stephen Tee and his family in their ministries.
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