Pray @ 12 noon In one voice for the Revival of the Church and the Transformation of the Nation. Malaysia National Prayer Network (MNPN) is calling for all believers to pray for Malaysia. We suggest that everyday at noon, we pause in whatever we are doing and either personally or gathering in groups, call upon God for revival of the Church and transformation of our nation.
Prayer Vision: The Church in Malaysia - united, prayerful and disciple-making; and Malaysia- a land of liberty, justice, love and Godly rest.
God’s Eye on Sarawak
Sarawak is the largest State in Malaysia and has the most number of Christians. Some of the churches have in the past 20 years gathered to pray and celebrate together. They do this four times a year – during Easter, August 31st, Christmas and to honor Pastors and Fulltime Workers. The Association of Churches in Sarawak (ACS) holds these gatherings in 6 towns. The Holy Spirit first visited the people of Borneo in the 1930s as a spillover of His work in Kalimantan, across the border. In the 1970s, He visited them again, through secondary school children and then spreading to the adults. There were miracles, signs and wonders and these were even reported in the papers. The Prayer Mountain on Mount Murut today is testimony to this visitation.
1st Malaysian Prayer Convocation, 15-16 Sept 2010 in Sibu, Sarawak
Sibu was one of the towns in Malaysia settled by the Foochow Christians fleeing the new Communist regime in China after Communists took over in 1949. God gave the churches much land around the area. Today, there are many churches in Sibu district. Ibans, SIB & Chinese churches together make up a great number of believers. MNPN has called for a ‘Prayer Convocation’ in Sibu this year on Sept 15-16 to meet the Lord and pray. The call is to all Malaysian Christians to gather and pray for revival and transformation of our beloved nation. Pray for the MNPN committee and the local organizing committee as they meet on March 24 to finalize arrangements. 110 rooms have been booked for September.
Sibu was one of the towns in Malaysia settled by the Foochow Christians fleeing the new Communist regime in China after Communists took over in 1949. God gave the churches much land around the area. Today, there are many churches in Sibu district. Ibans, SIB & Chinese churches together make up a great number of believers. MNPN has called for a ‘Prayer Convocation’ in Sibu this year on Sept 15-16 to meet the Lord and pray. The call is to all Malaysian Christians to gather and pray for revival and transformation of our beloved nation. Pray for the MNPN committee and the local organizing committee as they meet on March 24 to finalize arrangements. 110 rooms have been booked for September.
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